Hello everyone!!

The count down is on for the 37th annual West Brookfield Asparagus Festival!

Our beloved asparagus and flower heritage festival will be held on May 18th from 10 am to 3 pm on the West Brookfield Town Common, rain or shine.

Support your local farmers, growers, creators, and business owners.

Let us celebrate what makes our rural community so special!

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13th Annual Scholarship

The West Brookfield Historical Commission is pleased to announce its 13th annual scholarship in the amount of $2,000.00. The scholarship will be awarded to a graduating Senior resident of West Brookfield. Eligible students include students attending Quaboag Regional High School, home-schooled or school choice students attending another high school or independent school. 

This award is made possible through the J. Irving and Jane L. England Charitable Trust. 

WBHC Scholarship Letter and Application